Friday fun with #TheGreatCourses

Looking forward to starting the Physics in Our Universe series in a few minutes. We enjoyed Richard Wolfson’s other physics course and this will probably be easier to tackle than Thermodynamics which was difficult material. As well, the How To Draw course is great fun, too. David Brody is a good lecturer (and he says B.C.E. and C.E. instead of B.C. and A.D. which increases my admiration of him).

Hope those of you in the storm areas will stay safe and warm this weekend!

17 thoughts on “Friday fun with #TheGreatCourses

  1. Those look great! I’m a huge fan of online courses, though I confess I usually just watch the lectures and ignore any assignments… Anyway if your physics basics are shaky (like mine), I do recommend the How Things Work course on Coursera – free of course, and with a lovely teacher! ^^

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  2. I never lost my love of physics and am so glad to be relearning it with my guys. 🙂 Richard Wolfson is wonderful; we enjoyed his other physics course. Prof. Brody is really cool and fun, too! We’re learning lots.

    Liked by 1 person

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