National Superhero(ine) Day #doodlewashaday

I spend the morning at the last physical therapy session for my frozen shoulder and grocery shopping, so my time is precious this afternoon, and I can either spend it drawing or working on some writing. I’m choosing the latter, so for National Superhero/ine Day, I’m posting a piece I’d done a year and a half ago. It was not long after I bought the ArtStudio app for the iPad and I was still playing with it, trying to figure out how it worked. I drew this with my (shaky) finger as it was before I bought a stylus.

I’m a huge superhero(ine)/comic book fan. I started watching the old Adam West Batman shows in Hong Kong when I was about 7 years old and was a DC fan for many years. Then friends of my sister got us into the X-Men, and I’ve been hooked by Marvel since. But enough reminiscing…I have real writing (as if) to do.

scarlet witch

34 thoughts on “National Superhero(ine) Day #doodlewashaday

  1. Great drawing with your finger! Hey, I have a frozen shoulder and a small rotaty cuff tear ( no surgery needed). I’ve just finished 6 weeks of PT. I still have pain, PT said it would take time to heal.

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  2. She looks like she’s about to kick ass! Oh, I love Batman – the Adam West series is hilarious. I remember when I first sat down to watch them I assumed they’d be like the 80s/90s movies… yeah, not quite! 😛

    Liked by 2 people

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