3 Quote Challenge – Day 2

The rules of the challenge:

Post your favorite quotes or your own quotes for 3 days in a row.
Thank the person who nominated you.
Pass it on to 3 other bloggers (which I won’t do but am inviting everyone to play along if they wish).


Thanks to Karen at My Train of Thoughts for tagging me to do this fun challenge!

Today is one that has special meaning to me:

“Writing is like crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a bathtub.” – Stephen King

FullSizeRender(3)I could only manage a quick doodle for this quote since I caught a doozie of a cold. I had no idea this much fluid could pour forth from my head. Blah!

21 thoughts on “3 Quote Challenge – Day 2

  1. Ooh, feel better soon! It’s awful having Niagara Falls coming from your face. But you still managed a great little drawing there.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, hon! I have no idea where I got this cold. I thought it might have been at the colonoscopy place yesterday but don’t colds take a little while to manifest? I’ve not left the house since Wednesday…guess I could have caught something at the airport. 😛


  3. Probably caught it here but you didn’t have time to relax until now so that the cold bug could take hold. I know you’ll have it beat in no time.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have not had a cold like this in decades (because I can’t remember the last time I actually had a full-blown cold). My left eye keeps tearing up, the nose keeps running, and I have the urge to sneeze all the time. Yeesh.


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