Time for something completely different

A reminder: #SelfieArt Day is 9 days away if you want to try it. I may not do one but I’ll be happy to compile if others want to.

36 thoughts on “Time for something completely different

  1. The #SelfieArt Day, Jan? It’s just an informal challenge to do a self-portrait (however you interpret it…collage, painting, drawing, clay, etc.) and post it (blog, IG, wherever). I ask people to let me know if they played along and then I post a compile list of participants a few days later so everyone can visit other people’s art. 🙂


  2. Kinda cute in its way, but yeah, I’m with Michael: sinister too! Great fun, though. And oh blimey, Selfie Day creeping up again! Thanks for the reminder… I’m thinking about it, just to warn you! We’ll see.

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  3. Those lines look so angry! I thought the drop was some blood after birdy went on a revenge-killing rampage! But Laura’s tear explanation makes more sense. Very expressive… Are things starting to look a bit better on the horizon or is the storm still raging?

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