“Roughing” it

I’d worked on a story for a couple of years that my former agent loved and that got complimentary rejections and even a Revise & Resubmit from publishers. Well, it was doomed to die a sad and unheroic death when the agent abruptly quit the business. But it is such a fun story that my online critique group, the fabulous Penguins, insisted I completely revamp it and start submitting it again.

So I did. And I’m now working on a new dummy for it. These are the character roughs that I sketched while Son2 and I were watching the thermodynamics lecture today.





50 thoughts on ““Roughing” it

  1. ❤ I read on the floor all the time with my feet propped up – love that guy! And who knew hooves could be so adroit with a screwdriver. YOU did! Smart you. Keep plugging!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s good to hear you were sketching during thermodynamics lectures and not Jeopardy… I’d have been a bit bemused if these were today’s contestants. 😉 These have made me smile before bedtime! Great roughs, Teresa, and I’m definitely intrigued!

    Liked by 2 people

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