It’s a good busy! Some thoughts for the new year

When life hands you lemons, make a lovely painting with them.


art by Marjolein Bastin, one of my favorite greeting card illustrators

That’s what I wrote in this journal, my 2016 gratitude journal. 2015 was, overall, not the best year, but I’m determined to make 2016 much better.

I decluttered my art room workspace (symbolic of decluttering my brain), and had a productive first week of January writing-wise. I also started the year with a course on Illustrating Children’s Books taught by the marvelous Joy Chu through UCSD Extension and am, once again, part of the incredible 12×12 community of picture book writers.

I’ve signed up to go to a renowned writing workshop called Big Sur on Cape Cod for May that I’m excited about, and also plan to take advantage of the fun and helpful writing challenges like NaPiBoWriWee (brainchild of the multi-talented Paula Yoo) and PiBoIdMo (started by super funny and prolifc Tara Lazar) that will help me focus and hone my craft.

As well, continuing with decluttering, I’ve decided that I will stop blogging at my Blogger blog. While there are things I love about Blogger, WordPress has improved much over the past few years.

Ultimately, unless there is a good reason for me to keep a blog, I may, in the foreseeable future, drop this blog, too, and move completely over to Instagram whose platform I much prefer.

And finally, I am going to go with what Sharon suggested and only post when the mood feels right, moving away from a 365-blog. I hope to post, and read blogs, only Monday to Friday, keeping weekends free to recharge and relax with the family. So I apologize for falling behind on reading your posts, but this year, I must get my aging butt into gear and make something of my so-called writing/illustrating career. 🙂

I’ll try not to write such a long post again this year!

44 thoughts on “It’s a good busy! Some thoughts for the new year

  1. I’m happy to hear about what you’ve got planned this year. So many exciting things! Know that we’ll be cheering you on! I understand about the blogging. It served its purpose for a time and now that time has passed. I’ve been thinking a lot about my blog, too and haven’t yet settled what to do with it.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Plans made in January… 🙂

    No need to apologise to anyone. There are only so many hours in the day, and literally millions of blogs out there… Even keeping up with “regulars” is a challenge, and won’t help with your own writing and illustrating. Hope you find a better balance for you x

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Boy do I hear you Teresa! It’s so hard to keep all the plates spinning. I only blog at best once a week, but not even and I’m okay with that. I use IG much more too, it’s just so easy. I say do what feels best and gives you the time you need!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Spring cleaning already! I envy you… everything sounds very nicely lined up so far. As others have said, I wouldn’t worry about falling behind with others; the blog world is always there for you to dip into as and when you can – be it posting or reading – but real world always comes first! Keep on rockin’/writin’/illustratin’!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I have so many similar interests as you! 😍 I would love to write and illustrate a children’s book! Thank you for generously sharing your info! 😄👍 I agree that it is difficult to get it all done. I need to figure out Instagram but I really enjoy the connections and conversations with blogging. It is such a fabulous community of artists, like you! 💖🌈

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  6. Great thoughts to start a new year. It’s a wonderful idea to do more of what you love and less on the idea of should’ve.

    Have fun with all your workshops and conferences and what have yous. You know your friends will follow you on whatever medium you’re on.

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  7. I so get this, Teresa! I’m trying to learn how to tamp down my rule following urge (which makes me feel like there’s things I’m “supposed” to be doing in the social media realm) and do the stuff that I really like, ie Instagram mostly. It’s a work in progress! 🙂 All the best for 2016–look forward to sharing in the journey!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Oh, no! Have I missed that somehow on FB (I wouldn’t be surprised; I miss many things on there). Are you feeling almost 100% yet? Well, one thing for sure: being sick did not affect your knack for poetry!

    Get well and stay well! 💙

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  9. I just feel like I’m at the age where I can’t afford to screw off as much if I want to accomplish something in life. 🙂 That said, I’m not getting as much done today so need to get offline soon.


  10. I haven’t talked about it on FB – I have a mix of contacts on there, inc some who I work with. Being off work has given me more time for writing poems though… I will miss that! (And I’m almost recovered, so have no excuse… ) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wow, interesting stuff to think about, for sure. I’m glad to hear you’re moving from Blogger to WP. I made the same move last year, and it’s so much more user-friendly – there are a few folks who only comment on Blogger who I miss though…

    Liked by 1 person

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