More than one good thing!

I got home from a super informative workshop (Better Books Marin – after midnight, crawling into bed around 2am this morning. I’m so behind on everything that I almost feel like I’ve time-traveled backward. So, give me a day or two to put up the post with the #SelfieArt Day links. 🙂

En route to the workshop, my friend Sylvia (Create One A Day – invited me to stay the night with her parents, who are so sweet, adorable, smart and artistic…just like Sylvia!

Her mom is an excellent cook and this is the traditional (northern/Taiwanese, I think) Chinese meal she cooked for us. As you can tell, it’s about 5 good things!


30 thoughts on “More than one good thing!

  1. That was so nice of Sylvia to have you over to her parents for dinner, that looks super yummy. I’m glad I finished a big dinner, otherwise I’d be licking the screen.

    Hope you had a fantastic time at the workshop!

    Liked by 1 person

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